Here is a list of some Perennials. Again, we always have more in stock, so please call to ask if we have what you’re looking for!
Serbian Wallflower or Blue Waterfall
One of the most popular perennials. It is great in rock gardens, edging, tubs and pots or as ground cover. They spread in green leaves and work into beautiful violet-blue flowers. They bloom in early spring can bloom for weeks and maybe bloom again in the fall.
Bleeding Hearts or King of Hearts
They are appreciated long season of bloom. It starts asgrey-green leaves, changing into a dangling heart-shaped flowers in a bright rode-red shade. Great for edging and mixed containers.
These grass like plants, usually preferring areas with moist, rich soil. They have a nice leathery green leaves and a bright yellow stripe down in the center. Great for edging or rock gardens. If the tips of leaves get wind-burn over the winter, all you have to do is trim them with scissors in the spring. A non-spreading plant and you can divide it into more plants in the early spring. it will tolerate dry shade as well.
Geranium “Rozanne or Cranesbill Geranium
This plant is excellent for long-season display in a mixed container. It will flower for weeks or months, particularly in regions with cool summers. You can prune it back by half to rejuvenate if it is flowering during hot weather. It also changes color into a beautiful bronze shade in the fall.
Single Peony
beautiful blooms in late spring and are prized for their large, colorful and fragrant blooms. Plants form a bush of dark green leaves that will stay all season long . It single flowers of bright rose pink with contrasting creamy yellow center.
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