- Apply deer repellents to ornamental plants.
- Aloe leaf sap is a handy first-aid treatment for minor burns.
- Fall is the best time to control broadleaf weeds in the lawn.
- Now is a good time to divide Hosta.
- Inspect and clean houseplants summering outside before bringing them in for the winter.
- Be sure trees and shrubs planted this fall are adequately watered.
- Harvest pumpkins when the stem is hard and fully colored.
Be alert for yellow jackets and other wasps when working outdoors.
The best time to control Japanese Knotweed is when it is in flower.
Consider allowing some green peppers to ripen to red before harvesting them.
Remember to keep fertilizing and pruning your container plants to encourage fresh growth and flowers.
Allowing summer squashes to grow large will decrease the total yield.
The premature change in color of tree leaves is often a sign of stress.
Overwatering when melons are near maturity may reduce sweetness.
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